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Grant Funding

grant funding

So you're thinking about setting up a new project or developing your building but where will the money come from? The likely answer is that the funds will come from a variety of sources, Methodist or secular, local or national.

Locally your circuit might have money you can access for your church or you might be eligible to apply for a grant from the District Advance Fund (DAF) which supports personnel, property or projects in line with the priorities given in "Faithful and True".

The District Resourcing Mission Group (DRMG) meets twice a year to consider applications but the main meeting for dealing with applications is usually in early November with the deadline for applications in Mid October. You can find the guidance notes and various application forms here. Please note that the application form and all associated documents must be submitted by email. If this is difficult for you please ask your circuit administration for help.

In considering a grant application the DMRG look for evidence of comparative quotes or for a larger scheme competitive tendering. Please use the Connexional procurement procedure as follows:

  • Below £5,000 – ideally, seek three quotations but no competitive process required for selection.
  • £5,000 to £25,000 – three formal written quotations, including one from a local supplier (if a suitable supplier is available).
  • £25,000 to £50,000 – a minimum of three competitive tenders, including one from a local supplier (as long as a suitable supplier is available).
  • Over £50,000 – a minimum of four written competitive tenders, including one tender from a local supplier (as long as a suitable supplier is available).

The District also has an Emergency Welfare Fund allowing churches speedy access to small grants to help with social need in their community e.g. emergency funding for food in school holidays. The application form is available for you to download below.

Perhaps you are opening your church for a community "warm space" this winter and need a little help with the costs. Grants are available from the District Advanced and the application form can be found below listed as Warm spaces application form.

Top tips for raising support for your project:

  • Be absolutely clear about what you want to do, why you want to do it and what you aim to achieve.
  • Try to have a good spread of funders.
  • Don't chase money. Rather let your vision grow and then seek funding to match the vision.
  • Be generous with your own church resources (time and money). If a church is not prepared to get behind its own project then why should external funders be asked to do so?
  • At an early stage start to think about how to make the project sustainable into the future. Lots of funders ask you this question.
  • Nationally there is Methodist money available for feasibility studies relating to property schemes but there are no longer any grants for actual building work.

For more details contact the District Grants Officer.

Lincolnshire Methodist District

Charity Number 1134228

c/o Burton Road Methodist Church
175 Burton Road

01522 370126


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