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District Officers

To make contact with any of the following people please contact the District Office 01522 370126

Chair of District
Rev Angela Long

Deputy Chairs
~ Vacancy

PA to Chair of District
Mrs Alison Godfrey

Synod Secretary
Mrs Sue Brumpton

Presbyteral Synod Secretary
 ~ Vacancy

District Steward
Mrs Sally-Ann Robinson

District Officer (finance, property, lay employment etc.)
Mrs Alison Godfrey

District Safeguarding Officer
Mr Howard Smedley

Ecumenical Officer
~ Vacancy

Superintendents' Rep to District Council
~ Vacancy

Circuit Stewards' Rep to District Council
Mr Paul Boucher

Learning Network Rep to District Council
New appointment pending

(All the above are members of the District Council)

District Chaplain
Rev Sandy Osgerby

District Advance Fund Treasurer
Mr Michael May

Methodist Council representative
Rev Luke Smith

District Youth Enabler
Deacon Jane Paine

Lay Stationing representative
Mrs Sally-Ann Robinson

Sabbaticals Officer
Rev Paul Braisdell

Candidates and Probationer Secretary

Local Church Pastor Scheme Convenor

District Manse Secretary
Mrs Judith Kirk

District Grants Secretary
Rev Jennifer Matthews

Agricultural Chaplain
Rev Canon Alan Robson

Lincolnshire Methodist District

Charity Number 1134228

c/o Burton Road Methodist Church
175 Burton Road

01522 370126


Do you feel unsafe?
Are you being hurt?
Do you need advice about an urgent situation?

Emergency Services

Adult Social Care
01522 782155

0800 1111

Contact Our Safeguarding Officer:
Howard Smedley 07758 239286

© 2024 – Lincolnshire Methodist District