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Dinosaurs and St Joseph

our calling 6


In this last week I had to attend 2 different churches in 2 different circuits both of which run and/or host a daily pre-school group. The toddlers greeted me with a mixture of smiles and wary looks. Some were very chatty, one young boy told me with great pride that his t-shirt had dinosaurs on, and he really liked dinosaurs, another that he had sandwiches for his lunch, a young girl looked suitably joyous at her mountaineering efforts over some large foam shapes. Others weighed me up, working out whether they wanted to speak to me or not, while a couple simply glanced and then returned to their business, which was clearly much more important than engaging with this strange woman.

The pre-school leaders spoke of how important the provision of these places was, especially since both groups are operating in somewhat deprived areas of the county, and one with children who have found it difficult to be placed with in other groups in the town. Looking at the noticeboards filled with stimulating pictures and words, and the toys and craft materials, and seeing how the staff encouraged and engaged with the children was wonderful. Here were people and places which sought to give these children the best start they could in the world.

On Thursday evening I was speaking at Sleaford Circuit's Men's Fellowship Meeting on the portrayal of St Joseph in art. St Joseph, as much as the Virgin Mary or Mary Magdalen, has been subjected to un-helpful stereotypes which often play fast and loose with the Gospel text. My talk was inspired by a talk I already have on the 2 Marys, but the request to speak to the Men's Fellowship gave me an excuse to look at Joseph and learn something new.

There are always new things to learn. How dangerous the thought that we know everything we ever need to know, either about the world, or about God. How great the responsibility of those who work in pre-school settings as they play their part in helping the children to start to learn.

I saw only 2 of the many pre-school groups which meet in our Methodist buildings across the District. Please give them whatever practical and prayerful support you can in the amazingly important work that they do.

God bless,

Lincolnshire Methodist District

Charity Number 1134228

c/o Burton Road Methodist Church
175 Burton Road

01522 370126


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