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Open the Book at Barton & Brigg

open the book barton and brigg

In the Barton and Brigg circuit we have five Open the Book (OTB) teams who, pre-covid, were taking the Bible stories into nine local Primary schools. This meant we are reaching approximately 2000 pupils, who always respond with great enthusiasm and are always keen to get involved and take part.

Our teams members are mostly, but not exclusively Methodist members. Some members have a flair for acting and drama, and some by their own admission, are well outside their comfort zone! All say how rewarding they find being part of an OTB team.

Our schools have not been our only audiences; on a number of occasions the teams have been invited to participate in a church service, and again, this has been enthusiastically received.

Covid restrictions have meant that we have had to adapt, and so we started recording our dramas and sending these into school, where they have been gratefully received.

We have a team who support us with dress making and who have managed to create "an outfit fit for a King" from a pair of curtains, and the Christmas stable was a real winner!

It's incredible to be part of God's work with our Primary schools and the enthusiasm of the children is such a blessing. One of our teams will remember the little girl who, when the Head teacher asked the pupils to put up their hands if they had enjoyed the story, threw both hands up in the air. Surely that should be how we all respond to the Good news of Jesus!

To find out more about Open the Book please have a look at the Bible Society's promotional video at

Kate Marr

Lincolnshire Methodist District

Charity Number 1134228

c/o Burton Road Methodist Church
175 Burton Road

01522 370126


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